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This is the Growers Guide they currently have at marijuana.com and it was also the best one I could find so have fun and good luck if you try to grow. If there are any mistakes or anything you guys would like to put into this guide please email us at [email protected].
1. Introduction
2. Chosing and Obtaining Your Desired Strain
3. Lighting
4. Germination
5. Vegetative Growth & Flowering
6. Harvest (drying and curing)
7. Outdoor Cultivation
8. Hydroponics
9. Organics
Chosing and Obtaining Your Desired Strain
It's very important to start with good genetics. What are good genetics? You tell us.
Do you enjoy that hard hitting, sedative stone, that puts you to sleep? Do you enjoy the soaring
euphoric cerebral qualities that will leave you in a hazed fluster?? Or perhaps a little of both???
There are three distinguished variations of the marijuana plant. These three variations include
Cannabis Sativa, Cannabis Indica, and Cannabis Ruderalis.
Cannabis Sativa is a hard plant to grow indoors due to high lighting requirements, tall stature, and late
flowering traits. Sativas come from equatorial regions, thus the neccesity for high ammounts of lighting
and a warmer tropic-subtropic climate. You can identify a Sativa by its long, slender, finger-like
leaves. A Sativa will typically produce a euphoric, energetic, cerebral high. Despite the Sativa's climatic
limitations, they are truly a reward to obtain, grow, and smoke. A pure Sativa will take 2 to 4 months to
finish flowering.
Cannabis Indica is a great plant to grow indoors as well as outdoors due to its low lighting requirements
and tight internode spacing, also offering resistance to fungus and pests, early maturation tendencies, and
dense flower production. Indica's come from colder climates exhibiting the traits described above by
acclimating to the environment from whence they came. Their stout stature and extremely wide leaflets
them easy to identify. An Indica generally produces a hard hitting, tiresome, sedative stone, and will take
around 45 to 60 days to finish flowering.
Cannabis Ruderalis is not a very good choice for flower production, indoors or out. Despite maintaining a
stature, growing only one to five feet tall, and maturing rather quickly, Ruderalis just doesn't produce the
yield or
quality one looks for in their flowers. A slight light cycle reduction can trigger a sprout with as little
as 2 to 3 leaf sets to flower. Ruderalis spontaneously initiates flowering a few weeks after sprouting, and
not produce decent flowers unless the photoperiod provides around 18 to 19 hours of light. Even then, the
and quality are less than desirable, incomparable to that of the Sativa or Indica sub-species.
You didn't think we'd forget to mention Hybrids, did you? Hybrids can carry the best of both worlds
high and growth patterns in their genetic makeup, some will not. A Hybrid has potential to exhibit every
trait one looks for when breeding. A rather common Hybrid is hard hitting, euphoric, energetic, dense, and
making that particular hybrid the perfect all around plant for someone looking for that particular high,
indoors, as well as out. It all comes down to your growing conditions and personal preference.
Attempt to find seeds from local gardeners that have been acclimated to the local climate conditions,
and carry the best floral characteristics - potency, aroma, flavor, vigorous growth, early maturation,
resistance to fungus and pests. Look for seeds that are dark brown or light grey. Some may have dark lines
inset into these colors, like tiger stripes. White, small seeds are immature and should not be planted.
All of these factors are considered by the seasoned gardener.
You will benefit enormously by finding a friend to get you started. However, some of us are not
fortunate enough to find these "friends" to aid in our seed need, so we go international.
Ordering your seeds from an online Seedbank becomes ideal in this scenario. Seedbanks are a
great place to search for specific breeds you've grown rather fond of, as well.